New Hampshire Supreme Court
The Democratic National Committee and the New Hampshire Democratic Party challenged a law designed to verify the identity of voters who register on Election Day without photo identification. Under the law, these voters cast affidavit ballots and have seven days to submit ID verification to ensure their votes are legitimate. If they fail to do so, their ballots are not counted. Attacking the law from both directions, plaintiffs claimed this process violated Article 32 of the New Hampshire Constitution, which requires local election officials to report preliminary results within five days, while simultaneously arguing that the seven-day window is too short to satisfy due process protections. RITE PAC argued that the New Hampshire Constitution creates no right to a final election result in five days, nor does allowing same day registration combined with a generous cure process somehow constitute an infringement of protected rights.
On April 16, 2024, the district court dismissed the Article 32 claim. Abandoning their due process claim entirely, plaintiffs appealed to the New Hampshire Supreme Court, which stayed their appeal for the 2024 general election. Plaintiffs subsequently agreed to moot the case, effectively ending litigation.